2020 Junior fair
A Year of Discoveries & Accomplishments
2020 – what a year of new discoveries. Our 2020 Junior Fair, albeit quite different from past fairs, was one of great talent, sportsmanship, and an outpouring of community support. We want to acknowledge the efforts of the Ohio State University Extension Fulton County and the Fulton County Fair Livestock Sale Committee – their dedication and tireless efforts were monumental in the 2020 Jr. Fair.
Our Fulton County Jr. Fair Advisors including 4-H Advisors and Agricultural Education Teachers, went above and beyond. Your leadership in this challenging time has been appreciated beyond measure. And to our Junior Fair Youth and parents – Congratulations! – for pushing through with hard work and determination to make the best of things and your willingness to learn and grow. We look forward to highlighting each of you in our 2020 Junior Fair Online Showcase.
For information on the 2020 Livestock Sale, please visit the 2020 Jr. Fair Livestock Sale page, you can also view the Jr Fair Livestock Catalog.
For printable schedules, select below:
Final show bills will be passed out at the species Junior Fair show.
- 2020 Fulton County Fair Junior Fair Schedule
- 2020 Horse/Pony/Donkey Show Bills
- Beef Breeding
- Dairy Cows
- Dogs
- Feeder Calves
- Goats
- Hogs
- Poultry
- Rabbits
- Sheep
- Steers
Entering/admission to the Fair and Parking.
- All animals will enter through Gate K, except horses. HORSES enter through Gate F. All other traffic should enter through Gate A.
- Passes/wrist bands have been provided for exhibitor and immediate family via Jr. Fair Advisors prior to the start of the 2020 Junior Fair. There is no fair gate admission. You must have a wrist band to enter the Fairgrounds. Please secure your wristband to either wrist so it is visible at all times, do not remove your wristband, this is the only wristband you will receive for the duration of the Fair. The exception — Livestock Sale Buyers, they will need the Livestock Buyer Letter, visit: 2020 Jr. Fair Livestock Sale page.
- Once inside the Fairgrounds, parking is available for any vehicle inside the Fairgrounds fencing in 2020 only. Please park in an appropriate location for your physical abilities and the purpose of your visit. For example, if you are coming to weigh in your hog, you will need to initially park near the hog barn. There is ample trailer parking on the South end of Spangler Arena. If you are showing off your trailer, you will want to park near the arena you’re exhibiting in. If you are able bodied and are not bringing an animal, please consider parking in the farther reaches of the Fairgrounds. If you have a camping spot, please consider parking there. Parking is also weather-dependent, so please be considerate of parking in low spots when rain is in the forecast or the ground is already wet.
Species Check-in and Animal Care.
- There will not be vet checks at the gate because your animal(s) will not be staying overnight (except for horses, which will have a vet check at the gate). In the event your animal is a Grand or Reserve Champion that needs to await drug testing results, the Fair vet will check it after the show is complete.
- All species scales are in their regular locations, now including poultry scales, except rabbits. Rabbits will be weighed in at the Southwest corner of Spangler Arena.
- Drug Use Notification Forms (DUNF). You still need to submit a DUNF form at the scales/check-in area if you have an animal that is making a food product (meat or milk). If you have an animal that will be receiving an Electronic Identification Tag, please leave the ID portion of the DUNF form blank until your animal is assigned its number. County ID number is 74.
- Hogs ractopamine forms, feeder calf vaccination forms, and scrappies slips will still need to be completed and turned in at the respective species scale locations. Please be prepared to turn the appropriate paperwork for your species and project animal in at the scales. All Junior Fair paperwork can be found at https://fulton.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/junior-fair-forms under the “Junior Fair” header or at the individual hyperlinks in the question. The 840 ID tag number will be added at the scale upon arrival.
- EID 840 tag. If your animal is going to receive an EID 840 tag, please bring $2 exact cash per tag to the scale. If your animal already has an EID 840 tag, DO NOT remove any existing EID 840 tags, it is a Federal offense. Your animal’s existing EID 840 number will be recorded in the Junior Fair records.
- Breed animals, pick up your back tag number at the species scales location, during the designated window of time listed on the Junior Fair Show Schedule. This will be your check-in as well.
- Pens will be available, except for rabbits and poultry. Pens will not be assigned and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, except for horses which will be assigned and grouped with the club. There will be enough pens available for each exhibitor to use a pen. Please be prepared to keep rabbit(s) and/or bird(s) in their carrier all day in their respective species arena. There will be no bedding for animals on the grounds. If you bring your own, you MUST clean up your area or pen before leaving. If this is not done your premium check will be held. EXCEPTION: Beef exhibitors bringing multiple animals on multiple days. If this is you, please let a Fair Director in Charge know the area you’re occupying and what day you will return with another animal. Clean out bedding once all animals are done showing.
- Exhibitors are encouraged to clip/groom as much as possible at home before they arrive. Touch ups are allowed, so long as the hair/wool is picked up after trimming. Please bring whatever you need for last-minute touch-ups. For the safety of all involved, the more equipment we can eliminate going back and forth between exhibitors, the better.
- Grooming your animal off your trailer or by your camper is allowed, however, the Fair rule remains the same about permissible areas for Junior Fair animals to be located (near the barns and the arena the species is showing in). Please do not walk your animals on the midway, especially near the food stands. If your trailer is parked on or near the midway and you are showing off the trailer, please park away from food stands and keep a direct path to the arena. If you have an issue with this or need a special exception, please contact the Fair Director in Charge for permission.
- If showing more animals in this species later on this week (i.e. beef breeding on Friday, steer on Tuesday), you may leave your grooming equipment behind. Please let the Fair Directors in Charge know it’s your equipment and of your intent to leave it behind and what day you’ll return. The Fulton County Agricultural Society and the Fulton County Junior Fair are not responsible for any lost or stolen equipment, leave your equipment behind at your own risk.
- 2nd Feeder Calf Sale — 1 hour after feeder calf show in the Dairy Barn
- All market animals will be loading out each evening after shows are complete. We are still a terminal show.
- All breed/performance animals are released to go home as soon as it is done exhibiting at the Junior Fair show, except horses, which will be dismissed by the Junior Fair Director in Charge on Monday, September 7.
- Grand and Reserve Champion animals must stay on the Fairgrounds until drug tests are complete. Rabbits and Chicken are exempt from drug testing. Exhibitors must continue to feed and water their animal.
- There will be no Showman of Showmen this year.
COVID-19 Related Questions
Q: Do I need to wear a mask at the Fair?
A: Yes, you do need to wear a mask while indoors or when you cannot properly social distance (more than 6 ft apart) outdoors. Indoors includes, but is not limited to, in a barn, bathroom, office, or arena. Junior Fair exhibitors are not required to wear a mask in the ring while showing their animal, but can wear one while showing if they wish. Please see details in the “Additional Questions” section about masks at campers.
Q: What other things can I do to abide by the COVID-related rules?
A: Hand sanitizer should be applied regularly and/or hands should be washed frequently. Hand sanitizing stations will be located throughout the Fairgrounds. ALL show arenas will be sanitized daily.
* Observe proper social distancing of 6 feet or more between different groups. Groups cannot be more than 10 people.
* Refrain from shaking hands or giving hugs. Consider giving a nod or friendly wave to people you know, judges, fellow Junior Fair exhibitors, and other non-family members.
* Abide by the 10 pm curfew on the Fairgrounds. Please be at your campsite or departed from the Fairgrounds by 10 pm. If a Junior Fair show runs later than 10 pm, all people must leave after the show concludes.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Who can attend the 2020 Fair?
A: Jr. Fair will be open to youth with animal exhibitions and their immediate family members, Fulton County Jr. Fair Advisors including 4-H Advisors and Agricultural Education Teachers, and other pre-designated volunteers. The Junior Fair Advisors will provide the appropriate number of wrist bands for the youth and their immediate family.
Q: What about Grandparents, other family members, and friends?
A: Great news! We will be live-streaming the animal judging & Livestock Sale so grandparents and others can watch online, visit our General Information page.
Q: Will the water fountains be working?
A: No, those are not turned on, please bring bottled water. There will be water available via restroom faucets.
Q: Will there be food vendors on the grounds?
A: Yes, there will be a limited number of food vendors, see list above.
Q: Will the restrooms and showers be open?
A: Yes. We will also have hand sanitizer and wash stations throughout the grounds.
Q: What do I do in case of an emergency?
A: Call 9-1-1
Q: How do I invite a buyer to come to the Junior Fair livestock sale?
A: Provide them with a hard copy of the buyer letter or invite them to mail in an add-on for you. All needed documents, the draft sale catalog, and entire revised livestock sale process is detailed at https://fultoncountyfair.com/2020-livestock-sale/
Q: When is the Junior Fair royalty crowning?
A: The 2020 Junior Fair royalty crowning will be at the conclusion of the Junior Fair Beef Feeder Calf show. It is estimated to be at 6 pm in Spangler Arena. The crowning will be live streamed on the Fair’s Facebook page.
Q: Where can I find the 2020 Fulton County Junior Fair Rule Book?
A: There have been some changes since this Rule Book was published. Please ask a question if you are uncertain about conflicting information. See the 2020 Fulton County Junior Fair Book.
Q: Can we camp at the Fair?
A: Yes if you pre-registered your camper with Fair Director in Charge Jamie Buehrer. Campers can start moving in Thursday, September 3 between 12 pm and 9 pm through Gate F. Be prepared to sign a COVID-19 form and have payment ready at the gate (cash or check payable to Fulton County Fairboard, no credit cards accepted). Camping fee is $20/night, Thursday night will not be charged. Camping spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Spots will be staked out, please back into your camping spot as normal. Campers can leave the Fairgrounds starting on Monday through Gate F, please be courteous of any horse showing that may be happening at the time on the North end of the Fairgrounds. Masks are not required at the campers if you are with your family or are spaced more than 6 feet apart from another non-family group. If you have additional questions about camping, please call Camping Director in Charge Jamie Buehrer 419-410-6208.
Q: Where can I view the Junior Fair Showcase?
A: This will be available starting on Friday, September 4. Visit 2020 Junior Fair Showcase.
Q: When is the Extension Office open?
A: Mondays and Thursdays by appointment only 9 am to 12 pm and 1-4 pm, call 419-337-9210 to make an appointment. We will be closed on Monday, September 7 Labor Day and Thursday, September 10 for working the Junior Fair Livestock Sale.